Sunday, October 31, 2010

SNSD’s Seohyun Watches C.N Blue’s Concert!

Sharp-eyed fans at Baidu noticed a very interesting picure in the handmade notebook YongHwa gave to SeoHyun in Episode 30. This scene appeared for just a split second, but it was enough to show that SeoHyun did indeed attend CNBLUE’s first concert on July 31st.

There was a news report that mentioned her being there; but with the recent ‘mildang’ episode, confusing time jumps on WGM and lack of fan accounts there was some doubt to how true this was.
It’s nice to know then that SeoHyun was indeed there to support her Yong-nampyeon and his band. Hope we get to see Yong at an SNSD concert one of these days too ;)
As a comparison here are YongHwa and SeoHyun’s outfit on that Day:

YongHwa backstage after the concert

SeoHyun at Yuri and Tiffany's farewell stage on MBC Music Core earlier that day

Credit: 양지원 기자 []
As posted by clumsy@soompi
Taken from SMTownjjang@wordpress