Tuesday, December 28, 2010

'Daesang' SNSD "We want to have a world tour next year''

There is nobody that dares to block the way of 'national girl group'  SNSD. Following the previous year, SNSD has once again taken 'This  Year's Star Daesang'. They also took 'This Year's Artist Award'.

This past year, SNSD released one hit after another starting with 'Oh!',  onto 'Run Devil Run' and 'Hoot'. They also made their Hallyu  advancement with their debut in Japan back in August.

On the 25th, they looked like they could not believe it when they were  informed of winning the awards. Although they have grown into great  stars that have taken over Asia, they were shy, cute girls off stage. We  heard the thoughts of the '9 girls' who had an impressive year.

▲You were chosen for the star daesang. How do you feel?
Jessica=(while cheering) Yeah~!
Seohyun=I can't believe it.
Sunny=We can't believe that we were chosen for such a meaningful award, despite us being such young 'girls'.

▲You earned lots of love this year. What do you think is main reason behind your popularity?
Taeyeon=I think [the public] sees our everchanging concepts on stage as  being fresh. After seeing our changed appearances, they also anticipate  what our next concept will be.
Seohyun=They see us slowly growing up and maturing positively. I think  they watch how happy we are on stage during a performance, and feel that  same happiness with us.

▲It was a hectic year. What was the most memorable moment?
Jessica=Our first performance at our Japan showcase is the most memorable.
Taeyeon=That's right. It was a fresh feeling. How could fans know and  cheer for us like that in a country that we were going to for the first  time? I still can't believe it when thinking about it now.
Seohyun=Being able to set a new record in a new place was also a factor that made the team members get closer.
Sooyoung=For me, it was when Tiffany was out of the group due to her  injury. It was the first time a member left her place for such a long  time. I think we were able to realize just how much we love one another  after Tiffany's absence.
Tiffany=I was also very thankful for my members worrying about me. I was  able to feel many new things. I don't want to get hurt or sick from now  on.

▲Do you have any plans for 2011?
Seohyun=We had an 'Asia tour' this year. It was another special feeling  meeting with fans outside of Korea. In order to meet with even more fans  overseas, we want to have a world tour. We want to become a boastful  SNSD that spreads knowledge on Korea.
Taeyeon=We want to greet everybody with nothing but good news. Please don't forget that 2011 will also be 'girls' generation'.

Translation Credits: ch0sshi @soshified.com
Credits: 김성한 기자 - sports.hankooki.com
Original article: LINK