Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Girls' Generation's dresses at the GDAs receive mixed feelings

Girls' Generation took home the biggest award at the Golden Disk Awards. However, after the buzz from the awards have died down, another topic has become an issue.

Many fans weren't happy with the dresses the girls wore for the red carpet. While they acknowledged that the girls looked gorgeous, they were disappointed that the dresses were so revealing. Taeyeon's dress showed off her back almost completely, and Hyoyeon's dress was low-cut and had holes at the thighs. Not only so, but the dresses were so short that when the girls walked up stairs, the skirts rode up to almost dangerous heights. Fans were cautious on expressing how they felt about the issue. Girls' Generation had always put forth a cute, girly image, hence their name. Even their sexiest songs had a different sort of sexy than pure sex appeal, more at an attempt at charisma than anything else. Their brighter songs Gee and Oh! were far more popular than mature songs such as Genie and Run Devil Run.

Fans are caught in between two standpoints: while they cannot keep the girls from aging, they want the girls to keep their initial debut image. They are scared that the girls' image seems to be changing bit by bit.

On the other hand, many others have only praised the girls' looks and wondered why all the other fans were worrying. Do you think the girls are getting too mature?

Source: Yahoo Kpost
Taken From: Koreaboo.com