Sunday, December 12, 2010

Golden Disk Awards Fan Account

Translations Under The Cut.

The rehearsals and red carpet event

At about 3pm, I went to the venue and was ready to take pictures for the red carpet event. The venue for the GDA event was the same venue as where soshi held their 1st SONEs fanmeeting…The red carpet event was split into two locations, the outdoor and the indoor.

Inititally I found a great place in the outdoor but I realised that the indoor location was much more better when I went to the toilet. So I went to the indoor location to standby. The temperature for these two days in Seoul was not a joke. Inside the indoor, I was about to be frozen to death. It really hurts my heart when I think about the girls walking into the indoor without much layer of clothes…

I could heard IU was rehearsing when I went to the toilet. But on the way back, I could watch the rehearsals at a certain exit! Actually I didn’t knew that Oh! was pre-recorded. A security guard came and was stopping me from entering to film the rehearsals when I was comtemplating whether would I saw the girls rehearsing. However, because of certain reasons, he totally ignored me, even when I was taking fancams. Keke~~~ The number of people in the indoor increased when the girls appeared…

The layout for indoor location and outdoor location was totally different and only reporters were allowed to be in the indoor. The distance between the artistes and me was really close. And halfway through the red carpet event, the audience were streaming in from the other exit. No matter how many times the staffs reminded that nobody was allowed to stay inside, many of them were standing behind the safety line, watching the red carpet event. Definitely there were much screamings for the male groups but when the girls appeared, many unknown staffs and sponsors apeared out of nowhere. They were crowded at the opposite side…

Finally, we heard thunderous screamings from the outside then followed by the appearance of the girls… Hyoyeon and Sunny were at the front and Hyoyeon waved at us~ YoonYul appeared after one another. From afar, I saw Yuri’s sexy body and her~~~centre parting hair. As for Yoong, she is totally a goddess. It was like when she appeared, the whole crowd got electrified. The girls were kind of shy especially Yoong. She held her head down while walking on the red carpet…

I stared so intensely at Taeyeon when she walked past us…kekeke…Because of her outfit…she revealed her bare back~~~ It made my nose bleed!!! The manager immediately gave the girls their coat after the girls posed for the photoshoot.

Live recording part 1: Fail Yoong

The girls all arrived at their table during FT Island’s performances because the girls were the last few groups to walk on the red carpet and also because of their make up preparations. YoonYul was the last two to arrive at their table and there was a camera in front of their table. The cameraman has not started filming so Yuri walked to the table so suavely. But the cameraman already started filming when Yoong was about to walk to the table. So the cameraman signalled her to stop and she retreated a few steps…

She stomped her foot a few times because she could neither forward nor retreat so in the end she half-squatted and tiptoeing to her seat. She is so adorable…It’s a happiness to be able to see their interactions/behaviours because that’s the most natural,simple,friendly,beautiful,cute … and also crazy side of them.

Live recording part 2: Gay moments

Sica, Hyoyeon, Yuri and Yoong were sitting at the right hand side of the table so I can get to monitor YoonYulSic interactions. Yoong was talking and laughing (alligator laughter) non stop since the moment she sat down. As for Hyo, she kept doing weird gag actions. But as for YulSic, one was like spasmodically crazy and the other one was spasmodically spacing out… All kinds of interesting actions. There was once when the girls were standing up, no idea what did Yoong asked Yuri to see but she turned her face and sticked out her butt. At that point of time, I was thinking, “my god, can you stop acting so gay……”

Since the pre-recorded Oh! performance was being broadcasted on tv, so the girls were wearing the rdr outfits and rehearsed it. As usual, Yuri pat Sica’s tummy. Sica turned and laughed at her. Before the ending of the Oh!, Choi PD urged everybody to stop dancing and get into the formation of the next performance. The 8 of them were backfacing us in a diagonal line and were all ready. Taeyeon was practicing the dance moves. Only Yuri was so hyperactive and did the last dance move for Oh!...Her kkab image is still intact, then swiftly she changed into a cool image for RDR. We were shaking our head and laughed, “Indeed she is Yuri ah…”

Live recording part 3: Kkab moments

The first part of the GDA has ended so the all the artistes returned to the backstage. Sunny, Hyoyeon and Yuri were the first few to return to their seats when the second part of the GDA show started. Yuri was sitting on Sica’s seat and she…started to behave so crazily throughout the whole second show. At first, she and Hyoyeon (who was in the crazy mode thorughout the whole ceremony) danced to SHINee’s Lucifer. Then she kept patting maknae and congratulated her when Jung Seobang received award. In the end maknae gave a slap in return which makes Yuri kind of startled. Yoonyul kept signaling to Jung Seobang and pointed at maknae then after Yuri hugged maknae…She’s behaving like a choding.

After that the other remaining members went to their seats. Sica started to behave crazily too. A few times she and Hyoyeon did a lot of big actions. There was once she and Hyo were dancing but Sica stopped because she felt so embarrassing. In the end Hyo grabbed Sica’s hand and waved it so frantically. Thus in the end the both of them were waving their hands.

As for Yoong, needless to say, she was laughing throughout the whole ceremony. Even a slightest thing could make her laugh so uncontrollably. She also did a lot of kkab actions. I realised that the Goddess image of these three girls were slowly being tarnished by Hyoyeon. Not long after, the four of them can form a comedian!!!!

Live recording part 4: The weather turns cold…and they behaved like a group of fangirls.

Yuri turned into a crazy fangirl and kept clapping, screaming when they announced the Disk Bongsang winner is BoA. Hyoyeon pat Yuri twice because she finds her behaving so crazily. But in the end Sica started to scream. Actually the girls are professional fangirls. They knew all the songs’ fanchants especially Yoong. She shouted the fanchants along with the fans.

Actually the venue was not warm at all and everybody in the venue started to feel very cold as the time goes by. Both maknae and Yuri kept bringing their hands near the candle every now and then. Yoong was exhaling warm air to her hands and Hyo was covering herself with the blanket.

Live recording part 5: Creating a history.

We all felt that the Daesang winner should be the girls when they announced that Yoon EunHye is the award presenter. Because Yoon EunHye is our girls’ lucky star. She treated our girls very well and also likes Yoong very much. Last year’s Digital Daesang was also given by her. As usual, she first went to Yoong and pat on her back while everybody was crying so hard. Throughout the whole ceremony, the girls have a positive mindset. No matter who wins the award, they would stand up and congratulate the winners.

They didn’t show any sign tiredness or stress throughout the ceremony. A few of the girls were looking at a certain direction (the middle of the audience area) before the announement of the popularity award. Everybody seemed to be spacing out after much staring at that direction but immediately regained their composure when they realised that they were the winner for the popularity award. Even before the announcement of the Disk Daesang winner, the girls were chatting among themselves and didn’t expect that they would win that award.

Because from the point of view of a girl group, our girls had already attained much more bigger acheivement than that. Till the end, we froze at our seats and started to weep when we heard the four words, “So Nyuh Shi Dae”

In the year of 2009, SNSD received many awards and dominated the top spot. In 2010, they didn’t slow down their pace. The beginning of the year, they released Oh! then followed by RDR. After that they made a debut in Japan and held a 20,000 people showcase. Subsequently they released Genie and Gee Japanese singles. Immediately right after the release of Gee Japanese single, they released 3rd mini album Hoot in Korea and started the Hoot promotions. Not only that, within a year, they held their first asia tour concerts then followed by SMTown concerts and other commerical concerts in various countries such as China, USA, Taiwan, Singapore and many other.

They also released their first ever photobook, filmed many CFs, attended many different commerical activities, did many charities and also created many first. At the age of 20 year old, they received many recognitions, compliments and became the icon of the year. Actually a trophy is just a decoration, an award is just a formality. You girls deserved this award because the public recognised your efforts. You girls deserved to be proud it! 2011 will still be the year of SNSD!

Credits: eleven09ing
Translation Credits: _shikshin@Twitter