Thursday, December 16, 2010

Interview With Mama Taeng 1 & 2

 View The Interview And Some Pictures Under The Cut. All Credits To: SnsdKorean

Part 1:

M -MAEniac

TM -TaeYeon’s Mom
*extra side notes to read if dialogue is out of context

M: The girls have just created history with their GDA winnings, how do you feel seeing your 9 daughters accomplish such a feat?

TM: When we (TaeYeon) and I spoke on the phone she said, ” ‘It wasn’t us. The fans really did it.’ ” I feel as though they are really appreciated. ^_^

M: Do you know how the girls celebrated?

TM: I don’t know.  Maybe 회식 (hwaeshik)?*
*co-workers gathering –usually involves dinner and drinking

M: For every award SNSD wins, does each member get their own award for home?

TM: There’s only one trophy for the entire team.

M: How well do you know the other girls’ family members? (I heard the parents had gatherings and called each other whenever SNSD won.)

TM: It’s too hard to arrange big family parties, so sometimes the moms just hang out.  We’re ‘Jumma Shi Dae!
*Ahjumma = married women with children/middle aged women

M: Do TaeYeon’s siblings monitor her when she’s on tv?

TM: Her brother is in the army so he probably sees her all the time.  Her little sister does.

M: Will SNSD be doing any performances for TaeYeon’s brother anytime soon?

TM: TaeYeon can visit her brother one-on-one but it’s up to management to setup performances.

M: How does her little sister act when she sees her older sister on tv?

TM: Haha. She’s jealous, but very proud at the same time because she sees TaeYeon as very strong and brave.

M: Does your youngest daughter want to be a singer like her older sister?

TM: We talked about it.  She wants to be a singer but after seeing TaeYeon struggle, she’s thinking hard about it.

M: How do you like TaeYeon’s new haircut?

TM: I really like it, that’s how I’ve always wanted it.  It was TaeYeon’s idea to put the dyed touch on the ends though. :]

M: What is your favorite song on the “Hoot” album?

TM: “Hoot” and then “Mistake.”

M: “Mistake” is my favorite too ^^.  How often do you see TaeYeon or the girls’ dorm?

TM: Sometimes once a month, but TaeYeon is so busy sometimes that it’s not possible.  If I do, it’s 2 hours at the most, just to change the bedsheet covers or to have a small chat.

M: Change the sheets?  That’s so motherly of you. Haha. ^^.  Did you notice her potential to be a singer when she was a child?

TM: When she was young and people saw her, they would always tell me to take her to Seoul.*  When she was in pre-school she would come home and turn on music then start dancing by herself.  It was so cute but I didn’t really understand why a kid would do that until she got into Middle School.  She won a performance award in 6th grade where she beat out the 7th and 8th graders.*
*taking TaeYeon to Seoul with the hopes of getting her discovered
*it is assumed her Middle School was grades 6th, 7th and 8th and the competition was a school-wide competition

M: What inspired her to actually try out for the SME auditions?

TM: It was TaeYeon’s 7th grade summer vacation and she was really into J-Pop and BoA at the time so she really liked S.M.  She looked up on the Internet things about S.M. and set her heart on the company.  Her dad took her every Saturday to Seoul for 4 hour vocal lessons after school.*
*1) students have school on Saturdays in Korea 2) Seoul is about 2 hours away from Jeonju

M: Since this sort of industry is like a see-saw, was there ever a backup to save TaeYeon if this profession didn’t pan out?

TM: She wanted to be a news anchor woman but after she got into S.M. she said singing is it for her.

M: What do you think makes your daughter a great leader?

TM: She’s responsible, humble, and always thinks about others first,  but, because of that she has a lot heartache and stress. :(

Part 2:

M: What is your favorite childhood memory or moment of TaeYeon?

TM: I have three children but TaeYeon is the one who acts REALLY cute.  When she was a baby she’d put ANYTHING on her head.

M: Anything?  Like what?

TM: ANYTHING.  Hats, panties, trash can lids…

M: Hahaha.

TM: But that’s how I also learned she doesn’t like help.  She’s VERY independent.  If I told her to hurry up because she’d be late for school, she’d still take her time to try and tie her shoes by herself rather than get help.

M: Whose personality does she take more after?  Yours or your husband?

TM: ONE HUNDRED PERCENT MOM.  Style, thinking, talking, everything.  The girls (SNSD) would sometimes ask her: “Why’d you become so much like your mom?”

M: ^^ Were you or your husband a singer in your younger days?

TM: When her dad was in college he was a singer in a band.  And also when he was in the army, his army job was to be a performer. He also played guitar.

M: What kind of music did he sing?

TM: Anything that was popular.

M: Did he help TaeYeon with the guitar for her musical?

TM: Ahhh, no.

M: If TaeYeon could do “We Got Married” again instead of Jung Hyung Dong who would you like her husband to be?

TM: Mmm, Kang Dong Won because TaeYeon likes him?

-2 Korean fangirls: He called her on her last radio show.


-2 Korean fangirls/Me: Yes, hahaha. ^^

TM: Oh, I didn’t know that! Hmmm..

-2 Korean fan girls: How was it like for TaeYeon to be married to him (Jung Hyung Dong)?

TM: It was whatever.

-2 Korean fangirls/Me: Hahaha.

M: I know Korean culture does Western weddings sometimes, if you could choose ONE SNSD member to be TaeYeon’s maid of honor who would it be?

TM: All of them, no choosing one.*
*When Koreans do a Western wedding, there usually aren’t bridesmaids/groomsmen.  Either MamaTaeng misunderstood my question or she’s really clever at avoiding the answer

M: Have TaeYeon’s sleeping habits ever scared you/the family?

TM: I was so surprised when I heard it because she tends to say long words.  It’s true what SNSD says on broadcasts about her sleeping habits.  TaeYeon’s been doing it ever since she was a kid.

M: What’s your proudest moment as a mother of SNSD’s leader?

TM: Whenever TaeYeon sings and people accept her.

M: What are 3 things you love most about your daughter?  Any dislikes?

TM: 1) When she’s in front of a lot of people she doesn’t talk much but one-on-one she’s very giving,
2) heart of gold,
Hmmm, things she needs to fix.  Well she’s not expressive, she’s very passive. Oh, what am I saying? I can’t really say because TaeYeon listens well!

M: What’s your opinion of each SNSD member as Tae’s friend?

TM: They’re all like sisters, very supportive and strong.*
*I could tell Tae’s mother was starting to get tired so I hurried (I’m sorry for taking so much time! >_<)

M: Out of all the girls’ songs, which 3 are your favorite?

TM:  1)  ”If” -TaeYeon 2) Athena’s new OST “I Love You” – TaeYeon 3) Run Devil Run – SNSD

M: Do you currently have any worries about your daughter?

TM: Always.  When people congratulate her I’m always worried.  TaeYeon tried to go to Lotte Department Store one time all wrapped up thinking no one would recognize her… NOPE!  They did instantly so whenever she comes to Jeonju now she just stays at home hahaha

M: When the girls promoted “Dear Mom” what were your feelings on it?

TM: That song… in the broadcast it showed our picture and I thought of all the training and crying that she did when she was younger and I know that she cried a lot during the recording…
When I heard the lyric ” ‘my mom’s worried voice asked if i’ve eaten,’ ” I thought the lyrics were so truthful and so much like the conversations we have.  I cried during that part.

M: :[  Well if you, TaeYeon and your family could go anywhere for vacation where would you go?

TM: England or Maldives.

M: Maldives?

TM: Yes, the island country that's sinking? TaeYeon says she wants to see it.

M: Ahh, TaeYeon would. ^^  Who is the craziest fan you've met (at Eyebis Glasses Shop)?

TM: It's rare.  The fans that have manners will come but the crazies don't come inside.

M: What's your favorite SNSD dance?  Can you show us?

TM: Dance?! Oh no~ I can't! But I LOVE the "Oh!" dance.
M:  Are there any upcoming activities that S<3nes should look out for?

TM: Not sure.  Maybe they are getting ready for a new album or vacation after January.

M: How often do they get vacation?

TM: Hmm, ten days, twice a year?  Even after SNSD is done with their group activities they still have individual activities.

M: Oh no! Please tell them their fans want them to get rest <:\ What's TaeYeon's biggest dream?

TM: In 20 years, she wants to be the longest living singer who can still sing live well.  She needs to do better though!*
*mother's concern

M: Those were all my questions, thank you SO MUCH for the interview.

TM: *sarcastically* ...Wow that was long. :]


 More Pictures Here:

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