Friday, December 10, 2010

Kim Jaedong's "Knock Knock Knock" - SNSD's Sooyoung

Interview by Kim Jaedong
Intro written and edited by reporter Park Kyungeun

“A celebrity is a person who wants to be a child at times, but is forced to become an adult”

>>These people are like pretty little nieces to samchons, younger  sisters to army ahjusshis, and lovers or friends to people their age.  SNSD is not just a girl group in our generation, but they are a culture  icon. Now they have crossed over into Japan, raising popularity there  and have become a huge export from Korea. To Kim Jaedong’s pleasure, he  is an “oppa” to the nine members of SNSD. Hahaha. But he has no answer  if you tease him, “you’re an ahjusshi, why are they calling you oppa?”  He just says, “They still call me oppa.” He met with SNSD member  Sooyoung. And why would he meet with Sooyoung? Before the captain of the  fanclubs come flying over, I’ll explain.  Because of the nature of this  interview and the members’ busy schedules, SM recommended us doing this  interview. So please don’t misunderstand!<<

 This is Long. View the interview under the cut.

KJD: How long has it been [since we’ve seen each other]? 1 year?

SY: Noo, what do you mean 1 year? I saw you at HaHa oppa’s house. I think it’s only been half a year.

KJD: I’m forgetful. You try being this old. Anyway, how did it feel like to get 1st place in Japan?

SY: I still can’t  believe it, everything’s so amazing. I’ve promoted in Japan by myself  before for 3 years. During those years, I’ve always wanted to go on the  Japanese music program, “Music Station,” so I begged my management  company, but we were too unknown to go on it. This time, we were able to  go on the show so it was so amazing. The other members just thought,  “Oh, we’re just going on the show,” but I silently cried.

KJD: You guys survived because you’re a group, but it still must be difficult to promote in a different country.

SY: The members are so  previous to me and so loveable. Everybody asks if it’s difficult, but it  just feels like we’re sticking close together to go on a field trip so  we have fun. We even went to Disneyland by ourselves. We don’t have a  “we have to be successful even if it kills us” kind of attitude. We just  need to have fun and enjoy ourselves for our fans to have fun as well.

KJD: I don’t really like Disney. Actually, I just don’t like those things with the big eyes.

SY: *Sigh* Oh, oppa. I  love Disney. It’s like a present from heaven! It was so touching  watching Tinkerbell fly down on a wire that I almost cried.

KJD: You’re 22 years old, aren’t you too old to go to amusement parks or enjoy watching things like Mickey Mouse?

SY: It doesn’t matter. My older sister is 26 and she still loves Mickey Mouse.
At this point, Sooyoung was so cute and lovely that my heart should have  been pounding, but it just felt like I was an oppa watching a little  sister that’s achieved something great.

SY: Oppa, I’ve shot an  ad for a fashion magazine before my debut once. It was around grade 8 at  the time and I even did a short interview. They asked me which  celebrity I liked, and I answered that I liked Kim Jaedong.

KJD: Why are you telling me this so late, and why are you whispering?

SY: If the members know  that, they’ll bully me. I’m a huge fan of Jo Insung and Jo Seungwoo.   I’ve never met them, but I really want to meet them one day. Same for  Hwang Jungmin.

KJD:  Hey, don’t change the topic. Out of nowhere, you said you were a fan of me… What, you’re not a fan anymore?

SY: I’m a fan of  somebody when they’re unreachable and I haven’t met them yet.  After  getting to know the person, it becomes more of a close sunbae-hoobae  relationship, and I’m not so much of a fan anymore. Same applies to you.
[Translator’s Note: Sunbae means “senior” and hoobae  means “junior”. You apply it to a person more/less experienced than you  in an area.]

KJD: Hm, that might apply  to me, but it probably wouldn’t be the same for Jo Insung or Jo  Seungwoo. They probably won’t become a close sunbae or a close oppa so  easily. Even guys think they’re so attractive. But whatever, good luck.  For some reason, it makes me sad and bitter when I see younger people.

SY: To be honest, I was  so nervous and excited when they said I was doing an interview with you.  It felt like I was going to talk with somebody who actually has his  head on properly, like you’re one of those people who just get what I’m  saying.

KJD: Woah, so you’ve  known? Haha, anyway, if the public is to keep being happy because of  you, they won’t forget my distinct looks. Anyway, do you have a lot of  samchon fans in Japan as well?

SY: No, just like Korea,  we have a lot of female fans in Japan. There are a lot of unnie fans  and eemo fans. When we’re on stage, fans that are around my age are the  most enthusiastic. Samchon fans just quietly watch us.
[Translator’s Note: Eemo means “aunt” like samchon means “uncle”]

KJD: It’s probably  because they love you but they don’t have enough energy anymore. It’s  tough because you want to scream, but after just 2 minutes of screaming,  you start coughing and our throats get clogged. Do you still receive a  lot of fan letters?

SY: We get so many. Fan  letters from Japanese fans are memorable because they study Korean and  send us letters written in Korean. One person even sent us a present  after reading a book. They didn’t just send us the book, but they wrote  all the good lines or passages in a thick notebook and sent it with the  novel. Somebody sent the book that Sean [the singer from Jinusean]sunbae  wrote, and the person wrote, “I hope to have a married life like this  couple one day”. I definitely had the same thought as I was reading it.

KJD: You’re already think of marriage?

SY: It’s just a thought.  You know, about that one person out there in this world that I will end  up with one day. Who they are is a mystery, but he has to be out there  somewhere. I don’t know who he is but I imagine that his existence  itself is lovely and it makes me curious.

KJD: I’ve been thinking  those thoughts for 37 years now. Do you know how unfair that is? But I  think it’s hard to live as an idol and date.  You’re limited to the  people that you meet and you’re so busy because of your schedule. You’re  also limited in the places you can go.

Why do people go wild over  SNSD? And not even Koreans, but fans from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and  other places. Sooyoung said that it was because of their “energy and  passion”.

SY: Out of the members,  I’m more on the stern side. I always think I’m lacking something. I  share with the members a lot about the things we should change the next  time, and I also pick out a lot of things from our choreography. If our  lines aren’t right or our form isn’t in perfect order, I’m the one who  would point it out the most often. I guess I can just say that I’m the  “pointer-outer” of the group.

KJD: Bahaha. It feels  like I’m interviewing an army sergeant or major or something. But what  happens if you’re the one to make a mistake?

SY: Then the other  members point it out to me. I’m thankful if they tell me if I’m doing  something wrong. One thing I learned from living as a group was the  importance of speech. It’s all in the way you say things. If I have the  intention of finding fault in the other person, no matter how I say it  when I correct them, the other person will surely get upset. And if I’m  worked up or angry, I take a break and wait for myself to feel better  before I correct the other person. That way, if I’m correcting the  person without anger or bad feelings, then the other person would  actually be thankful.

KJD: Why have you matured at such an early age? Well, I’m sure you were like this before, but…

SY: Being with the  members all the time, I feel like I’ve become an adult. I think being a  celebrity is a job where you have no choice but to become an adult. But  my mom keeps me grounded a lot. My mom tells me, “No matter how many  times you say you’re from SNSD, when you come home you’re my makne  [youngest] daughter, not SNSD.” And on the other hand, I really don’t  want to become a grown-up having to take care of myself so fast. I want  to be a young girl forever…

Talking to Sooyoung, it felt  like she was my older sister. Come to think of it, when I thought I was  just a boy that hasn’t matured fully, I suddenly realized I’ve become an  adult myself. A long time ago, I couldn’t understand why adults drank  soju out of a regular cup [and not a shot glass]. Now, I find myself  drinking soju out of a glass myself while I’m eating a meal. That was  when I first realize I’ve become an ahjusshi.

SY: Oppa, you know the  type of lives celebrities live once they step off the stage – they lead  an adult’s life, should I call it? Sometimes, we just want to be an  immature 22-year-old, but the world won’t approve of that. Living as  SNSD and receiving, there are so many more things that we are able to  have, and we are becoming more experienced. I think that as we become  more familiar and experienced in this [entertainment] world, we  shouldn’t be afraid of growing up. I guess you can say that I don’t want  to become and gain an image as the typical celebrity or star.

KJD: That’s right, you  just have to remember your first intentions [or “remember your roots”].  If you can do that, then you’ll be able get rid of your empty feelings  when you step off the stage. You have to keep yourself and be sure about  where you stand without being influenced by judgement from others.  Sooyung as the celebrity might be a rainbow that fades later, but your  position as Sooyoung the youngest daughter will never fade, and that’s a  comfortable position to be in.

KJD: I think we were able  to become so popular because we just worked with the ideas of many  other people. So much blood and sweat has been shed from, really, so  many people for just one song to be perfected so we can go on stage. We  just wear whatever clothes they give us, take pictures, and we just sing  and dance like we practice. In general, we like receiving so much love,  but sometimes, I think if we’re even entitled to all the love we  receive.

Just like Sooyoung said, so  many people must have shed their blood and sweat behind the scenes for  SNSD, but I also know very well how many things an idol member has to  give up and how hard they have to work. I know the effort that goes into  gaining popularity and the effort it takes in maintaining that  popularity. It probably goes the same for all the young people in this  country, but idols have to have that burden and face the public as well.

KJD: I’ve always been curious… don’t you ever become envious of kids your age who go on blind dates and stuff?

SY: I can’t do those  things, but I’m not really envious. I can go and watch movies, go to the  amusement park, get my nails done, and dye my hair like other kids my  age do.

KJD: I get envious when  others go on blind dates because I can’t do that. Going on a blind date  means that the two people don’t know each other, but since we’re  celebrities, the other person would know me already. As soon as your  face and name become widely known, you lose the fun of going on a blind  date or being set up by someone.

At this point, I felt that this  22-year-old girl so full of wisdom is so incredible.  Through her, it  seemed like I was able to peek into a secret life, and not through the  life of a SNSD member that everybody loves. Even on MBC’s “Fantastic  Duo,” her co-MC Oh Sangjin always seemed like a big kid whenever he was  next to Sooyoung.

SY: There’s something  you don’t know, oppa. Girls always have a desire to look the best. Every  day, I think that I can be such a choding sometimes. I get so upset and  I can be so boastful about the smallest things… There are times when  the members just really get on each others’ nerves. For example, if I  wanted to get leopard-print nail art done on my nails, and another  member comes in with leopard print done one day, I get upset and annoyed  for no reason. But if I go to the nail shop and get my nails done with a  nice design, I want people around me to compliment me so I want to show  it off. Everybody thinks that way sometimes.

KJD: Mhmm, I get it. So  you’re saying that there are times when the members fight. I think I’ve  learned something more about girls today. Do you have anything you’re  curious about the male mentality?

SY: Alcohol. Oppa, I  know you like to drink as well, but I don’t get what you guys drink so  much of that bitter alcohol. I also don’t understand why you guys would  stay up all night playing computer games.

Yes, Sooyoung is not at the age  where she would understand those things yet. I don’t even know why I  drink my soju in a glass. In “Le Petit  Prince,” a drunkard was asked  the question, “Why do you drink alcohol?” He answered, “It’s so that I  can forget that I am ashamed to be drinking.”
Haha, Sooyoung. You know, there are samchon fans out there that wish  they could talk about their futures with you over  some drinks. It’s  when things like that can only happen in a dream that guys drink. And  they’d drink thinking of that overnight.

Source: Kyunghyan Shinmun
Translation Credits::