Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Producer of “Athena” OST laments Taeyeon’s ‘idol’ status

Composer Ahn Young Min had the highest praise for SNSD’s leader Taeyeon after they collaborated on “I Love You“ for the “Athena” OST.

Reflecting on his personal homepage a few days ago, the composer wrote, “It’s my second time collaborating with Taeyeon. With ‘Like a Star‘ we worked together for the lyrics, but this time we’ll be handling composition, lyrics, and the arrangement.”

Ahn went on to say, “I was so shocked by Taeyeon’s singing ability. It’s a mature song so I was worried, but she made tears fall down my face. Barely an hour into production had passed, and I remember clapping my hands.”

“It felt regrettable just then that this voice and emotion could be covered up by the title of ‘idol’.”

Agree or disagree? Could being labelled as an ‘idol’ stunt one’s growth as an artist? Let us know your thoughts down below!

Credit: Allkpop