Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ready for Round 2?

This week SNSD took over the Golden Disk Award’s biggest awards, and in the next couple of days will have the opportunity to do so again at the 2010 Melon Music Awards.
Remember last year? The girls won 6-FREAKING-AWARDS:

2009 Artist Award
2009 Song Award
2009 Smart Radio Award
2009 Mobile Music Award
2009 Odyssey Award
2009 Top 10 Award

Who could forget that?!

(Yes, I’m shamelessly plugging my OTP in here because I miss blonde Jessi and the Mushroom. GIVE ME BACK MY MUSHROOM SME or the Maknae gets it.)
Right now they are currently dominating online in the following categories:

2010 Artists’ Award
2010 Music Video Award
2010 Album Award
2010 Hot Trend Award
2010 T-World Best Song

Check out the awards on December 15th live at Hall  of Peace, Kyunghee University, MBC Drama Net, MBC Life, MBC Game and MBC  Everyone. For the rest of the world, check it streamed on
For every award SNSD wins, Boss Lady has agreed to do 9 pushups in a  Youtube video recording. AND to top it off, if SNSD takes ‘em ALL –every  reader on the blog gets FREE Goobne Chicken and Domino’s Pizza. (kthx for volunteering Cinday)


Credits:, silent_scream@soompi, xhua94 and kokio022@Youtube
Taken From: SNSDKorean