Friday, December 31, 2010

SNSD’s “Great Escape from Japan”

SNSD’s “Great Escape from Japan”

In order to appear on successive stages for the year end music festivals  in Japan and Korea, Korea's beautiful legged 9 member girl group, SNSD,  pressed on the epic mission to leave Japan on the 30th.
Just after 7pm, after performing at the 52nd Japan Record Awards held at  Hatsudai's New National Theatre in Shibuya, Tokyo, they jumped onto the  vans prepared for them outside the concert hall and drove to the  awaiting charter plane at Haneda Airport.
Having a very tight by the minute schedule, they landed in Seoul at  10:10pm and won KBS Gayo Daejun's Grand Prix prize "Best Song of the  Year."

The beautiful legged 9 girls that are sweeping over Japan and Korea used  their legs in full and took a plunge in an unprecedented operation.

On the evening of the 29th, the nine girls arrived in Japan a little bit  before 11 pm on the same evening that they attended the SBS Gayo Daejun  held in the outskirts of Seoul, in order to perform a stage for the  Japan Record Award’s “Best Rookie of the Year” Award. On the following  morning, the 30th, they rehearsed at the New National Theater, and then  starting at 6:30pm held a live performance for the Record Awards on TBS. 

While, the Best Rookie of the Year Award unfortunately went to  S/mileage, at 6:55pm when they were finished singing “Gee”, they dashed  to the waiting room. They quickly changed from their costumes to casual  clothes, and rode in two waiting vans. In order to plan for unforeseen  accidents or occurrences, they prepared two additional spare vans with  two spare vans and at 7:05pm entered the Shinjuku Interchange and rode  on Tokyo’s freeway to a special charter plane (seats 13 people) that was  waiting on standby at Haneda airport.

In order to make sure that their transportation went smoothly, several  routes were planned in advance. The staff that were waiting at the  airport checked traffic conditions on the internet, and then decide on  the very best route. In order to prevent loss of time at the airport as  well, the staff checked-in luggage beforehand, and they had a firm  policy of bringing nothing in besides themselves.

Thanks to this strategy, they arrived at Haneda airport in 38 minutes.  They took off at 8:10pm and at 10:10pm safely landed at Gimpo Airport.  The nine girls had to take off at 8:00pm to perform at KBS Hall at  11:50pm, and though they left late past 8:00, they made it by a hair’s  breadth.

In Korea they shone by taking 1st place for 2 years in a row in the  general award for “Best Artist of the Year.” In September, they debuted  in Japan with a big break, making an unprecedented 880 million yen in  sales.

Though they have a very fine schedule that plans for each minute and  each second that normal people wouldn’t think of, the feelings of  gratitude from the members who say “We want to meet Japanese and Korean  fans” can be felt. Even 007 would be surprised at the ultra mobilization  strategy they enact.

It was worthwhile though, they shone by receiving the “Best Song of the  Year” Award at the KBS Gayo Daejun, which should make up for the fact  that in Japan the Best Rookie of the Year award got away. This one  evening symbolized their activities for the year. Moreover, it seems  that next year the days of travelling all over between South Korea and  Japan will only increase.

Translation Credits:,,
Original article: LINK