Sunday, December 5, 2010

SNSD's Jessica Confesses, "It's not really in my nature to clean"

SNSD's Jessica revealed her princess-like life.

On an episode of KBS 2TV's "Night Star" which aired on the 5th, guest  stars SNSD chose Hyoyeon as the one who takes most initiative to clean  the dormitory. Yoona revealed how Hyoyeon is like every day by saying  she steps up to clean their place and do the dishes. Yoona said, "If the  dishes are piling up, the members just leave them and wait for our dorm  nanny to come wash them all for us, but Hyoyeon always steps up to do  it."

The members also said that when Hyoyeon isn't there, Taeyeon and Yoona  usually volunteer to clean their dorm. When the MC said they wanted to  know in which order they stand for cleaning the most, Sunny said, "Let's  reveal the last place first. I think this is an easy one," and choose  Jessica.

Upon this, Jessica said, "It's not really in my nature to clean," boldly  confessing and making everybody laugh. At Jessica's honest reply, Yoon  Jongshin asked, "Is Jessica usually the princess type?" to which  Sooyoung answered, "When she's really hungry, she'll heat up some ham on the frying pan, but she almost fries it by pouring so much oil."

Jessica tried to redeem herself by saying, "I can make fried rice," but  the members continued by saying, "she doesn't know how to control  portions so even if we eat until our stomachs burst, there's still  leftovers," and, "all she does is fry it." But they ended nicely by  saying, "even if she can't make it well, she still makes it for us once  every
2 years so it's a big deal."

There was much laughter when it was revealed that Jessica had such princess-like habits because she can't cook or clean.

On another note, on this episode of Night Star, the SNSD members  recorded a storybook reading, showing off their great acting skills.


Source: Review Star