Monday, December 20, 2010

YongSeo Couple Fan Account

Well, they wasn't actually there during the recording. :) These 2 fans went over to the Seafood shop where Yonghwa first sang the Banmal song for Seohyun... They asked the manager some questions during the recording and took some pictures. ^_^

After walking by the beach, we came to the Seafood shop. They obviously had already put up the banner... They are too popular. After we took some photos, we went into the shop and discovered that we are the only customers there. Kekeke

See everything + Photos under the cut.

The manager who appeared in the shop arranged us to sit at where the Goguma couple sat. Kekeke We are seriously too hungry, So we called Prawns,Seafood Soup and (?). I asked the manager who is grilling beside me some questions... Kekeke. Asked What?

Actually it's not that special anyway. Kekeke.
He said that they flimed for around 5 hours, However, they only aired for around 15 minutes, So it's a little disappointing. Other than going to the toilet, they continued fliming... Uhh.. also, they only ate prawns.
Also, they are people who came and watched the fliming, however, no one took photos. -_- Kekekeke
I asked how's the fliming atmosphere like. It's okay if we don't ask since we believe we know the answer already. Kekeke
He said ''Both of them played with each other well''. Kekekeke

(Some Parts Were Omitted)

Photos as promised.

Click image to make it bigger.

Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
Credits: Baidu Goguma Forum.