Saturday, January 1, 2011

YongSeo Couple Episode 38 Translations

See the translations under the cut. :)

MC: They Should Be Tired by now
The Couple who's going home from work respectively
Hyun: It's Cold ~
Yong: Ahh ~ It's really warm
Hyun: Ahh~ IT's Really Cold!
Yong: Ahh... Banmal Song
Hyun: Lyrics
Yong: Don't Care ~
Hyun: Where?
Yong: A Little... Like Mom? Clothes ~
Hyun: I Know!
Yong: A Little Old...
Hyun: Thanks!
YOng: Look, this is the last part of the lyrics
Hyun: Woa~ The second part is also written..
MC: Woa, the second part also..
MC: After finishing writing the lyrcis, looking at it for the last time...
MC: How would you feel?
MC: Very Proud!
YOng: After finishing the first part, add a little of your feelings into it
Hyun: Feelings?
Yong: More Cuter
Hyun: How should I do it?
Yong: The whole world would see it...!
MC: Ahh.. The whole world would see it?
2 MCs: Yup, all would see
MC: Woa, Really?
Yong: How are you , Guys? This is the Ban Mel Song~!
MC: Ahahahahaha
Hyun: Thanks for your wods..
Yong: A little like (?) Sempai Style!!
Translation Note: Not sure who that person is so a (?) is replaced.
Yong: I really really appreciate it!
Hyun: Should we do it together?
Hyun: Then means saying out what you want to say to me ~ Let's try the beat
Yong: Seohyun~ Saying Banmal is hard?
Hyun: Really Hard
Yong: How Hard?
Hyun: I feel that It's very Very Hard.
MC: Did you see a little Chick?
MC: Saw it!
MC: What should we do to it?
Yong: Let's use ''Happy Ending'' as the ending.
Hyun: Neh!
Yong: From Here.. I would like to say to you.. To the second Part... I know Yong...
Hyun: What?
Yong: I know, Yong Oppa
Hyun: I Know~ ( Banmal)
Yong: Ahh~ Don't act cute
Hyun: I didn't!
Hyun: Here's the chorus, let me try the it.
Hyun: You should sing this part yourself, because you're saying it to me..~
Yong: Until Here!
Yong: I watch shows often
MC: Also, when the camera shakes, we must hear the sound!
Yong: And when we start we should...We should start like this, put the rest here, the camera here and walk it together at the same time.
Yong and Hyun: 1 2 3
Yong: Hello Guys, I'm Yonghwa
Hyun: I'm  Seohyun
Yong: (Chinese)
Hyun: (Chinese)
Yong: (Japanese)
Hyun: (Japanese)
Yong: (Thailand)
Hyun: It's hard...
Yong: Ahh~ I'm the Guitar player Jung Yonghwa
Hyun: Hi~ I am..
MC: (?) (Not Sure What He's Saying)
Hyun: I've ordered it.. Oppa's Clothes
Hyun: I'll choose Oppa's Clothes
(Picks Up TMYW Clothes)
Hyun: Wow! How Fit!
Sub: Creating The Lyrics
Sub: (?) On The Sofa~~
Hyun: Let's put our children on the Sofa. Then, Create the badges and start the recording.
Yong: OK!
Hyun: We should introduce ourselves first.. We are the YongSeo Couple~~
Take 1!
Yong: (All types of Languages) Hi
(Not Translating the introduction)
Yong: That would be subs for it.
Sub: Behind Hubby's Back, Hyun's Guitar
MC: Woa! Seohyun is not playing the Guitar!
Sub: Doesn't know anything
Sub: After this part finishes, time for the feelings.
Sub: Finally, it's time for the feelings!
Seohyun: Yoong, If I say Banmal would you be very Happy?
Yong: Yup, Happy~^^
Seohyun: To me, Banmal is a little hard, do you know?
Yong: (Embarrassed) Of Course I Know,Seohyun Ahh...
Seohyun: How much do you want to hear it?
Sub: When they were practicing, he replied ''A Lot'', Now..
Yong: Really want to hear Really Want to Hear Seohyun Ahh..\
Seohyun: Really? How much? My Banmal
Sub: Finally, They can't stand it
Hyun: Ahh~~ Faster
Yong: From the first time I see you..Ahh!!!!
Sub: Because of Forgetting the lyrics, they failed.
Hyun: It's not bad for the start, Right?
Yong: Not Bad Not Bad, Let's try it one try by another
Hyun: We keep seeing other places, Should we look at each other?
Hyun: And when we sing I Love you we must look at each other
Sub: Take 2
Sub: Followed by Yonghwa's Neck Dance (?)
Then, Seohyun sings the wrong lyrics
Hyun: Thank you.. Sorry.. Ahaha Let's try again
(Head on Yong!)
Yong: It's Okay
Yong: Because doing it again is tiring..
Hyun: That's Right
Sub: This time it's Take 3, Yong Hubby's Solo Part
Seohyun: Yong~~
Sub: Looking at Wife, it's more hard
Then they failed again..
Seohyun: It's really not bad
Yong: Why do I keep forgetting that part...
Take 4!
Sub: Do you understand? Understand?
Hyun: Yong.
Yong: Anything? Seohyun shi
Hyun: For me, It's hard to say Banmal..
Yong: Why is it hard?
Seohyun: Umm...It's really really hard for me to say.. How much to do you want to hear it? My Banmal
Yong: Yup, Rea!lly!
Sub: The singing is successful for the front part...
Yong: Ahh.. How irritating
Hyun: What's irritating? Just sing it like this.
Yong: When I look at you, I start to get anxious and can't say out this part
MC: Because after NG for the first time, it's hard again (?)
Hyun: Just sing it like this
Sub: Yong is enoying, in the same room with Seohyun
Hyun: But I feel that we getting better and better..
Yong: Yup
Hyun: Right?
Yong: Better and better... (?)
Hyun: We should get better..
Yong: Improving after each time
Take 5!
Yong: Now, we are going to present everyone
Sub; It's harder that expected
Yong: Say it more intimate to me~ 1234
Hyun: That~Yong
Yong: Yup?
Hyun: How Much?
Yong: A Lot
Yong: From the first day I saw you
MC: Success! Finally!
Yong: You are shy even when Smiling
Yong: Ahh..~Seriously Me..
Hyun: Ahh~ It's good, what happened?
Recording studio: It's wasted
Yong: This part doesn't look good, how did it happen?
MC: Because they get more anxious when they go closer to the NG Part.
Yong: First time with you..
MC: Nothing to say, Look at how happy he is
Yong: Say it MORE intimate to me~
Yong: Sorry, Really Sorry
Hyun: It's Okay ^^
Sub: What happened to You Yong?
Hyun: Get Focused
Yong: If this time, it's wrong again
Hyun: No, it's okay if it's wrong, just continue to sing it naturally
Yong: Then destroy the others..
Hyun: Aish.. Enough..
Hyun: It's okay if it goes wrong again, it's quite entertaining also
Both: Hello kKonnijiwa Hello Sawadika
MC: They look like a real couple Huh?
Both: We are the YongSeo Couple
Yong: I'm Yong
MC: Woa, It's different from his voice just now
Hyun: I'm Hyun
Yong: What did we prepare today Hyun?
Hyun: Today, we are going to Present/Sing our self created Couple song, the Banmal song
Yong: It's called the Banmal Song and it's really nice, Hope everyone like it
Sub: We are really worried about our Yong Choding
Yong: 12~1234
Yong: Saw it more intimate to me
Sub: A Little Mistake, this time, Pass
Hyun: That~Yong
Yong: Yup?
Hyun: How Much do you want to hear it?
Yong: A Lot
Yong: From the first time I saw you. You are even shy when you smile.
MC: Finally Passed
Yong: After Today, we would get more Close.
MC: Ahh.. I have a feeling that they would pass this time
Sub: Yong found his Self Trust
In the end, Wrong lyrics again
MC: Ahh~ We sang until here already
Hyun: I Know
MC: Sang to the second part and it's wrong
Yong: It's really wasted..
Yong: Ahh.. We almost finished it.. Seriously
Hyun: We almost finished it... Doing it one last time should do the trick right?
Yong: The last time.. Really
Hyun: It's fun
Yong: It's because we didn't practice it enough before
Hyun: It's what we call practicing before the real thing starts
Yong: The battery would finish in another 4 minutes?
Hyun: Then we should be fast
Yong: Faster
The final challenge.
Take 10
Both: Hello Everyone Hello...
We are the YongSeo couple, I'm Yong, I'm Hyun
Yong: We song did we prepare today Hyun?
Hyun: Today we would be singing our self created song, The Banmal Song
Yong: It's a really nice song, So I hope everyone would like it.
Hyun: *Sings*
(Talking Part)
Hyun: That ~Yong
Yong: Yup?
Hyun: Do you really want to hear My Banmal?
Yong: If I hear it, it's really great
Hyun: But you know that Banmal is hard for me right?
Yong: Why is it hard?
Hyun: I've tried really hard. How much?
Yong: A Lot
MC: Success Success Finally
Hyun: I know, Yong
Yong: MNe too
MC : Great Work
MC: He would change back to Yong Choding Immediately
Yong: I sang the front part wrongly
Hyun: I know, right?
Both: It's okay
Yong: I'll replace the lyrics with this and that (?)
MC: It feels like winning the World Cup, that success feeling.


Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
Credits: Baidu