Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Actor Lee Bum Soo is touched by SNSD Jessica’s handshake request

Shots of actor Lee Bum Soo looking visibly touched by Jessica’s request for a handshake were caught on camera while on stage at the ‘2nd Seoul Cultural Arts Awards’ on February 28th.

Lee Bum Soo and SNSD were on stage together for a commemorative photo celebrating their Daesang awards. Because a variety of celebrities from different fields were gathered all on one stage, an awkward energy was briefly felt by everyone there. Yet it dissipated when Jessica greeted Lee Bum Soo and extended her hand for a handshake, surprising the actor with her gesture.

He shook her hand and then moved on to shaking Sooyoung’s, as well as greeting the other SNSD members. The heartwarming moment was quickly caught on camera by all the reporters there.

Actor Lee Soon Jae, however, briefly greeted the girls before turning to leave, demonstrating that the generation gap was a little too wide between them for familiarity.

all credits to
sorry, have so much school work, dont have time to re write in my own words so all credit to them(: