Friday, April 15, 2011

KPopIndifference's Weekly Anti Videos

Re: Anti-SNSD (Tiffany is rude and disrespectful?)part 2 REUPLOAD

Uploaded by on Apr 14, 2011

First off im sorry i had to make 3 parts XD ill tell you right now i wanted to add more but it was already too much There are seriously so many videos of Tiffany being respectful and caring SO MANY.
oh yes and so there's no confusion yes making a speech of thanks to her fans is respectful :)
Anyhow,These three videos(dont be confused) these arent the only reasons sones love Tiffany Hwang if i were to add them all it would be over 10 videos long.These three videos are just proving the claim that shes "rude,disrespectful,and selfish" wrong.Tiffany is a hard working who has had to crawl her way up ever since she crossed an ocean ALONE to follow her dream.Because that is her passion,to perform to sing, she wanted it that badly she was willing to cross an ocean alone.Tiffany is kind,she donates to charities,volunteered in a soup kitchen,encourages her fans to donate to the needy(which they did) and she shows everyone and everyone that she works with kindness such as bringing them chocolate giving them a massage etc.Tiffany is respectful and loves her fans she doesnt pass a fan without showing a sign of acknowledgment such as waving at them,nodding at them,blowing them a kiss,telling them thank you,or bowing for them.Shes a devoted christian who prays fror everyones well being especially sones and SNSD.She is,in fact,SNSDs biggest fan.The video explains it all really.Although i couldnt put as much proof in there as i wanted i tired my best.
Get to know tiffany hwang before judging her she made mistakes that i might add were about three years ago she has matured.

EDIT://had to reupload because the audio was disabled so i added new songs new pictures, 2 new videos,and made the word formats look better
enjoy! :)

Re: Anti-SNSD (SNSD is selfish,fake and stuck up???)PART 2

Notice: Part 1 was claimed by SBSi for copyright. 

Uploaded by on Apr 14, 2011
I know some antis just think SNSD are just nine evil rude girls,but if you actually get to see and take the time to learn abot their personalities youll find they arent so rude or selfish or superficial or anything like that.
Ill probably make about 4 parts or so
please watch with an open mind...

In the following screen captures we have a logical and civil Anti (a friend of mine who admins at a civil Stand page) vs. an negatively obsessed Anti:

As you can see the 2nd anti is blinded by their illogical hatred.

 Brought to you by: 

Tip: Stand [official] (The Only Sone Approved Anti Page)