Tuesday, November 29, 2011

[Anti response] Response to ANY anti's/haters.

Ok, let me nip this in the bud. To the fans that are bashing other groups/fandoms from the MAMA 2011 SG awards, shut the fuck up :/.
"I hope "group" doesn't win" - The point of a fandom is to support YOUR group, the best way is to show self control and show other fandoms that your fandom is one of a supporting/non-bashing. I know that there will always be fans that are delusional/anti toward every other group, but don't make that the majorities voice.
"The awards are rigged! The votes number of votes showed that "group" was suppose to win "award" "- The awards are not up to us even though there was a voting system. The voting system was worth 20%, the rest was up for the judges and the album sales (digital/physical), and attendance. (Not all but that's all I can recall from my mind.)**marketing
""group" congratulated "company" and not the fans." - Shut the fuck up, no seriously this whole entire statement is one fucking lie. Go and actually watch the broadcast and think. Listen for the fandom group names, and stop sounding like a fucking dumb ass.
""Group" doesn't deserve this award" - Shut up and stop being butt hurt. If they have the award SOMEONE/THING obviously thinks that they do, and apparently the amount of that SOMEONE/THING is significant. Please stop making a fool of yourself.
"A phrase that Korean fans always say is “초심을 잊지마”, it tells us not to forget our original intention of existing in this fandom - to support and to love, not attempting to protect them by responding to others, which in turn harm their reputation."
This will be one of the very last responses I make towards this for this reason: "Every time you see people saying, “Stop fighting, just heck them, don’t care about them.” Although it’s a cliche, but it’s 100% truth. 

That’s why forums like Bestiz bans people from even mentioning names of other groups, that’s why fans of various groups can share the same forum together peacefully for years.

It’s easy to control yourself from making any response to those comments, just believe this:
Everything that glitter is not gold, but gold will glitter forever."

Source: http://oniontaker.tumblr.com/page/2#ixzz1fAYuP8zC

Contact me on twitter if you have any tips/news you would like me to report on (ViKuai)