Saturday, November 26, 2011

[Archives] (KpopIndifference) PLAIN HATE

Vi L.-
Do you guys remember this?

"An anti-snsd fan, once went to an SMtown concert that was held on their country, She had no choice since her younger sister was a huge fan of SNSD. When it was time for SNSD to perform, a paper airplane fell really close to her, she picked it up and was about to throw it on the stage as she assume it was for the girls, but before she did, she took a peek, and there was a letter that said “Hey Tiffany, Where’s your mom? Too busy being dead?”. For a long time of hating on the girls, she madly crumped the paper and dropped it immediately. She didn't want her sister to see it and it really broke her heart.
Yes. I saw this again. And all the hate to the person who made the paper airplane has revived. Yes. Until now I want to cut this bitch. "

To insult Tiffany herself was too much. But… Insulting her mom? To attack Tiffany via her mom, who has passed away? This is pure shit. I guess this person does not only want Tiffany’s ass off this business, but also s/he wants her to break her “angel” side and be the bitch like all the antis have said about her. But, I don’t really know what these people want to achieve. Either make Tiffany quit this whole thing and pull her down or something worse. And that’s all because these antis hate her, just for the sake of hating her. Nothing serious. PLAIN HATE.

I feel bad for Tiffany’s mom, from the start. She may have died in a not-so-brutal way. But with what these hideous people are trying to do to her daughter, it’s like she’s being killed even though she has already departed.

As a SONE, esp. as a Fanytastic… Because of this, I felt like I had made a promise to Tiffany’s mom. To protect her daughter in all kinds of ways that I can. All because for my love for her.