Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[Introduction & TaeNy] Hey guise its Xerxes! :D

Late introduction guise sorry! For those that have no idea who I am, I'm Xerxes the new blogger to the isnsd team(Known as the "slightly aging/troll SONE on twitter") I've been a SONE since the Genie Era(BEST CONCEPT EVER coughcamotaengandmilitaryuniformscough). I'm pretty much a hardcore Locksmith, Fanytasic, and Taeganger. Currently attending a university here in good old Canada, so pardon my really long rants/reports and upcoming hiatus. I'm mostly a rational SONE (After a good few minutes have passed since my initial spazzing) which is probably the reason why some people accuse me of being an anti, but them I just ignore. I've got a tumblr and twitter so feel free to drop by and ask me in my ask box on tumblr and say hi to me on twitter, don't worry I don't bite hard. I'm going to drop some TaeNy and Hyper Fany from MAMA on you guys about now :D