Sunday, December 25, 2011

[AntiSTANDable] New Video - SNSD is selfish, fake, and stuck-up? (Part 4)

Against Anti-SNSD: SNSD is selfish, fake, and stuck-up? (Part 4) 

Uploaded by on Dec 24, 2011
-Project by the AntiSTANDable staff
-Video created by Jodi
-Special thanks to creditors of BG songs, shows, etc.

A lot of haters/antis assume SNSD has a bad attitude, that they're selfish, stuck up, rude, you name it. BUT, if these people took the time to learn about these girls like true sones they would see: SNSD is not like that. Seohyun idly gives the staff coffee. The members choose to donate blood. The members care about the staff, they make others food and take care of others without being asked or told. They are nothing like antis' description. Of course i don't deny that they HAVE made mistakes and have been rude occasionally but who hasn't? I know especially that antis have been rude so you cannot act as if you are perfect. No one is. Just because SNSD has made mistakes(Ones that weren't even monumental i might add.) doesn't mean that they are bad people. We acknowledge that they aren't perfect, but we ALSO acknowledge that they have very warm hearts as well.

We are not trying to provoke any fan wars nor are we bashing other artists. This video is simply our opinions so if you aren't mature enough to handle it, then leave immediately. And when we mean "antis" we're not targeting all, but please keep you comments civil and don't jump to conclusions!