Thursday, December 15, 2011

[AntiSTANDable] Upcoming Projects!

Here are the upcoming projects for AntiSTANDable, meaning we will be working on these videos. I will list the title of the project and explain it's purpose and what it will be about. If you would like to help us find proof for them, or there are proofs you'd like to be in our videos and help us defend SNSD with our videos go to the Submit your proof thread!

Taeyeon isn't a leader? project:

Anti's claim that Taeyeon doesnt have leadership qualities but we all know that she does. Without Taeyeon many sones including myself doubt that SNSD would've made it this far. Taeyeon played a pivotal role in the growth & development of SNSD and we are here to prove that. Taeyeon takes care of her members and she does delegate tasks or direct them toward the right things at moments. If you find any proof that you think would go with this topic post it in the Submit your proof thread.

Jessica: "Ice princess" project:

Well many people think Jessica is just a cold/rude person. As a sone i know that she isn't. Jesssica admitted that she has a hard time expressing herself and she apologized for it. Just because her nickname is the ice princess does not mean that she is incapable of being sweet. She loves and cares about her 8 members very much, and i think people need to see this so they can stop jumping to conclusions and saying she doesn't care about anything. If you find any proof that you think would go with this topic post it in the Submit your proof thread.

SNSD only act nice because cameras are present? project:

Well, antis have claimed that SNSD only act nice because there are cameras present, and that they want to look good for the cameras. AntiSTANDable is here to prove them wrong, In this project I will ONLY be using fan-accounts, staff-accounts, and other artists talking about SNSD(they can be videos). If you find any proof that you think would go with this topic post it in the Submit your proof thread.
Sunny, spoiled niece?project:

Antis have claimed that Sunny did not get into SNSD for her talent, and that she only got in because of LSM. In this video, we are going to prove that Sunny did NOT get into SNSD because of LSM and that she IS talented. We will ALSO be showing how kind, caring, and knowledgeable Sunny is(Knowledgeable as in things like Invincible Youth where Sunny is really good with things.) Because apparently, some antis believe that she is self-centered and rude etc. If you find any proof that you think would go with this topic post it in the Submit your proof thread.

& Possibly parodies
