Monday, December 5, 2011

[SONE] Yeah, I'm Single

I’m A Sone, & like batman we live double lives. Our regular life, we’re squares & Zombies.
Then when we’re Sone, we’re Confident and Out Going. We put on that pink shirt & bracelet, and blast the music. 
We’re a bit of Dorky and Geeky, But that’s the real us, We Are SONE ^^
*this piece isn’t finished quite yet, i have colouring to do and add some pics. but i hope you like it, and if your going to take it, please credit me, and link me ^^ *

I’m A Sone, & like batman we live double lives. Our regular life, we’re squares & Zombies.
Then when we’re Sone, we’re Confident and Out Going. We put on that pink shirt & bracelet, and blast the music.
We’re a bit of Dorky and Geeky, But that’s the real us, We Are SONE ^^
*this piece isn’t finished quite yet, i have colouring to do and add some pics. but i hope you like it, and if your going to take it, please credit me, and link me ^^ *