Published on May 6, 2012 by hpark310
*****************PLEASE READ FIRST*****************
People who complain about disappearing sub is probably watching on mobile (I realized phone doesn't support softsub after I saw it). If you use a computer, you can use caption service, which is the same thing as soft-sub and it'll stay longer on those parts.
I'm uploading hard-subbed videos WITH soft sub captions with it (this sub stays as exactly as I synced at first time). You may turn off / on the caption but the hardsub stays on the video. Soft sub's good when you purely just want to understand correctly. I tried my best so after this I'm blind and deaf.
Once again I started subbing with fan's affection coz I grew up listening to SM singers' songs since a kid and I'm personally their fan too so just wanted non-Korean fans to understand what they're saying (plus it's pretty darn funny.)
I wish it takes seconds to sub and upload vids quickly too but I'm not gonna sub everything and ruin my main life and be a hobo or loser.
I also have a life but It's taking too much time and effort (than it seems). But I still get complains no matter what I do.
Just hope that everybody's happy here, such as no fan fighting.
Sub & encoding by hpark310
People who complain about disappearing sub is probably watching on mobile (I realized phone doesn't support softsub after I saw it). If you use a computer, you can use caption service, which is the same thing as soft-sub and it'll stay longer on those parts.
I'm uploading hard-subbed videos WITH soft sub captions with it (this sub stays as exactly as I synced at first time). You may turn off / on the caption but the hardsub stays on the video. Soft sub's good when you purely just want to understand correctly. I tried my best so after this I'm blind and deaf.
Once again I started subbing with fan's affection coz I grew up listening to SM singers' songs since a kid and I'm personally their fan too so just wanted non-Korean fans to understand what they're saying (plus it's pretty darn funny.)
I wish it takes seconds to sub and upload vids quickly too but I'm not gonna sub everything and ruin my main life and be a hobo or loser.
I also have a life but It's taking too much time and effort (than it seems). But I still get complains no matter what I do.
Just hope that everybody's happy here, such as no fan fighting.
Sub & encoding by hpark310