Monday, October 25, 2010

SNSD Attends "Talk About G20 Summit" Campaign

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“For a Successful Hosting of ‘Seoul G20 Summit’, Fighting!”

Girl group, SNSD, lent out a helping arm for a successful hosting on this November 11 and 12 two-day ‘G20 Summit’.

On the 25th, SNSD received letters of appointment for ‘G20 Star Supporters’ from the G20 Summit Park Kwang Myung, PR planning director. In the future, these people will support and engage in activities as supporters for the “Talk about G20 Summit” campaign.

SNSD said, “We are so happy that because of our oversea activities, our fans are more interested in Korea. We hope this G20 Summit will let the world know more about Korea.”

At one part in the “Talk about G20 Summit” campaign opener at Coex Millennium Square in Seoul, SNSD brought in younger generation, who grew more interested in G20, SNSD’s demonstrations catching attention.

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Credits to: 매일경제 스타투데이 장주영 기자
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