Saturday, November 13, 2010

[101113]Fan Accounts from ‘Hoot’ Fan-signing Event

Right after their third Music Core performance, the girls rushed to Goyang Cultural Center for another “Hoot” fan-signing event. All of the nine girls were present in this event. It’s been a while since they do a 9-members fan-signing, the last time where all 9 members were present in a fan-sign was two years ago, in 2008.

Check out the translated fan-accounts below!

[Translated] edited~ 101113 Fansign fanacct.

Yoonyul, SunHyo, YulTi moments, Seobb being sabotaged, cheer for MC yoong and etc.

The nine of them attended today’s fansign event. I still couldnt believe that I got nine signatures in one fansign event…

They appeared at 6pm sharp and they wore the gold colour outfits

(t/n: They went to the fansign event right after mucore perf).

All of were seated according to the sequence in Hoot’s photo booklet – Fany, Sica, Seohyun, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Taeyeon, Yoona, Yuri and Sooyoung.

Yuri was chewing something while she was walking towards the stage.

Sica said the opening speech, short and sweet, “Today is the second fansign event and this’s the first time that all the members gathered together so we’ve to make it fast, lets start!” .

After getting to their seats, Yoona saw a big mic infront of her, she picked it up and play with it.

Yuri took it away when Yoona showed the mic to her.

She shook the mic like was shaking a hour glass.

Then the two of them looked at each other and started to sing

Wake up (Background music) in an exaggerating manner.

Yuri even sang to it out loud using the mic.

Throughout the fansign event,

Yuri would either fold her hand to look like a binocular

and pretended to look afar or to make a heart-shape sign to us

in a fast speed mode. The fans were laughing because of her actions.

Today’s fansign was abit rush, and there were two security guards

because all nine of them attended the event.

The whole fansign event lasted for less than an hour

because the security guards and the manager were rushing us.

But we’re satisfied since the nine of them talked alot to the fans~

(Omitted the part where she interacted with soshi)

Towards the end of the fansign,

Sunny and Hyoyeon was poking each other using their own marker pen.

In the end, the both of them danced to the background music.

Then the crowd screamed in high pitch tone

and the both of them burst into laughter.

They were embarrassed and turned their face away from the crowd.

Fany sneakily pushed the mic to Sica

when Sica was unaware of it.

Then Sica pushed the mic immediately to Maknae.

We were laughing so uncontrollably

because no one wanted to say the closing speech.

In the end,

it was Taeyeon who said the closing speech.

She said, “it seems like a lot of fans came right after music core…

It has been a long time since the nine of us

gathered together for a fansign event.”

Taeyeon wanted to sabotage Yoona

so she suddenly asked Yoona to say something.

Yoona was taken aback and could not react to it immediately.

We were laughing when we saw the blank expression on her face.

The first thing Yoona said was, “Why suddenly…”

While Yoong was talking, Yuri became so hyperactive (again).

She took her water bottle and rolled it across but

Taeyeon stopped it and rolled it back to Yuri.

The rolling bottle battle continued infront of Yoona.

All of them did talked a little when we requested them to do so.

The most funny thing was when it was Maknae’s turn to talk,

everybody asked her to use informal language.

Maknae felt that we were making things difficult for her

especially whenever she wanted to use formal language,

we corrected her immediately. It was so funny.

Sooyoung said that her signature changed.

Alot of us didnt notice it and took it out to see.

She said that she changed her signature back to the one

that she used to sign in the past.

Yuri said, “Today’s fanchant at music core was loud,

thanks to everybody for your support.”

Hyoyeon said that she was shocked

when she saw the music bank kchart score.

She thanked everybody for the effort to boost the sales of

3rd mini album and she added on that everybody

must support MC yoong for tmr’s event.

Sica also said that must cheer for yoong.

While the others were talking, yoong pull down yuri’s front zip

(t/n: they wore the gold outfits…lol)

yoong was trying to carry out an ~experiment~

that whether does the zip easily being pulled down or not.

She did that for many times until yuri joined her

then after that sneakily hit yoong by the back.

Yoona could not play with yuri’s zip anymore

so she tried her own zip.

When everybody was about to leave and return to the backstage,

yuri “headlocked” fany,

leaned against her and literally dragged herself to the backstage…

this’s such a chaotic scene…

cr. eleven09ing [Translated by _shikshin@twitter]


Another fan-account:


Remember the JeTiSooRi fansign account about Yuri and Jessica liking bread? The person who wrote that fan account also got selected for the 9 member fan sign and wrote another fan account about it


I am someone that kind of makes bread.

I said it on my other fan sign..

Last time, the bread that Jessica wanted last time was chestnut bread..

Unfortunately, we don’t make that bread at the place where I work…

but I found a place where they make good chestnut bread on the internet and went there..

I also brought macaroons that I made myself~~

The red bean bread Yuri wanted is sold at my store kekeke

So I baked the red bean bread, *something* red bean bread and sausage bread all night and got it ready..

For Taeyeon I got different kinds of jelly!!

For Sooyoung I wrote a letter (because I couldn’t be at the last fan sign)

I packed lots of things here and there so it was very heavy..

Around 4:50, I arrived at the fan sign location~

while I was getting my ticket they told us to come up~!!

As soon as we got in, they asked us to turn off our phones..

There was still 40 minutes left…

After I ended work in the morning after making bread all night..

I went home and wrote letter..

After writing I came straight to the fan sign..

so I only slept an hour..I was so tired…..

Around 55, the girls came out!!!!!All of them shined brightly

I wrote post its on the album like last time,

but some members didn’t read it

Before I got my signature, there was something I concluded!!

I was not going to get pulled away by the manager!!!

There was some fans who were talking to some members too long so those people ended up getting pushed along to the next member by the manager.. by grabbing their clothes…

I hate it when people do that so I’d rather just talk less and walk on my own!!

So this was my plan… I’m going to walk on my own feet..

my own feet.. my own feet.. after thinking this it became my turn!!!!

Fany!!I put the post it note on the back thinking she was gonna sign it there but she signed in the front instead..

so I told her there was a post it in the back kekekeke she looked at it

after she signed kekeke so caring so caringOn post it-

Just like the last fan sign, I was only able to sleep one hour.

I have to go back to make bread again later

Fant: Really?

Me: Yeah… I have to go make bread…..

Fany stuck out her hand

They told us not to shake their hands but she was the one that offered first

When I shook her hand last time it was a bit cold but today was very warm

Fany: But is it fun making bread?

Me: …….. (without words I just nodded)

Fany: (expression saying she doesn’t understand kekekekek)

Sica !!

Post it- I brought the chestnut bread you wanted to eat last time!!!!

I don’t know if she read the post it note or not kekeke since she signed in the front

Me: This is the chestnut bread you wanted to you last fansign

Jessica: Huh???

Me: They don’t sell chestnut bread at the place I work so I bought it from somewhere else.The macaroons I baked myself

Jessica: Really??!! You made it yourself??!?!!

Me: Yes…..

Jessica: Where do you work???

Me: ***.. do you know?

Jessica: Oh?!?! I know that place. I like it there. You really work there??

Me: Yes

I didn’t even imagine talking to Sica for this long

In my mind I kept thinking that the manager was gonna come and push me…push…

I have to walk on my own so I slowly… very slowly walked over to Seohyun’s side..

I wanted to say longer… but because of my pride…..

At that time,

Sica kekeke said something in English to Fany but I think she said something about me working at *** kekekeke

After flawlessly getting a signature from Seohyun..


Post it- I thought I wasn’t going to get picked for the fan sign… but I got it yay~! I thought my heart was going to drop

After seeing that, Sunny laughed….Kind of like a sneer kekekkeekeke

Sunny: Is your heart okay (while signing)

Me: Yes…After getting signed

Got Hyoyeon’s signature!!

After giving Taeyeon jelly she said that she will eat it well.

She laughed kekeke

After Yoona saw my post it

,Yoona: Your writing is very cute

Me: Huh?? Oh…. its not….

Yoona: keke be careful of the cold~

Yoona, you are the first one to say that my writing is cute

Others always made fun of it for looking lousy..


Post it- Red bean bread from last fan sign! I packed it!! I baked it myself!! I wrapped it and made it ^^

Yuri was busy signing kekeke I was waiting for the right timing to give her the bread but I ended up giving it to her at the end

Me: This is the red bean bread you wanted to eat last time

Yuri: Oh..??? Ah….I know you don’t remember kekeke but I didn’t get hurt kekek

Me: I baked it and wrapped it myself~!!

Yuri: Oh really? Wow

I moved onto Sooyoung and was getting my signature,

but there was no one getting signature from Yuri so she said to me

Yuri: How long did you learn how to make bread?

She said that to me!! I didn’t know she was going to start a conversation with me..

Me: I just started working kekekeke

Yuri: Ah…

What is this? I just started working? I studied for 5 years..But without thinking… I just.. I just.. said that instead

I gave my letter to Sooyoung… after coming down and looking at my sign,

Sooyoung wrote this“Study hard about bread”

Like that… kekekke was my answer to Yuri lacking??

kekekkeIs that why she wrote something like this?? kekekekke



Being able to talk to her in person… I fell for more..

Sica!!! Sweet. Sweet.

Just like last time, she talked to me a lot…

Even though I don’t talk well..

And smile while answering…


Kind of hard… I dont know..


Really.. I like her playful nature.. even her laugh..


She was really pretty even though I couldn’t say anything to her


Friendly and caring… she gives off a warm feeling…


Who said she was Im Choding!! (Me….) Very sweet..


Whenever I say something her reaction to what I say is very jjang..She talked to me first and asked questions too


Has a lot of sense

Because of my damn pride I couldn’t talk to sica more..

Sad…But!! that is an action I really don’t like kekekkekekeke

Don’t grab clothes, manager ekkeke even though you didn’t grab me yet kekekekeke

Even though I couldn’t sleep more than an hour…

during that time, I wasn’t tired at all

cr; KissMez@twitter


credits; _shikshin@twitter; KissMez@twitter

Taken from snsdkorean@wordpress