Sunday, November 14, 2010

‎[News/Info] Curse Of The Main Vocalists?

Many a time one can see that the members at the forefront promoting the group isn't the main vocalist,otherwise known as biggest contributor to the group. Examples can be seen in popular groups such as T-ara,Secret and After School
...where the 'supporting' members JiYeon and Hyomin, HyoSung and SunHwa, UEE and JuYeon respectively take the limelight.

Similarly in 4-Minute, is GaYoon too often overlooked?
Is all the attention mainly going to the more outgoing members?

There could be 4 causes as to why such problems occur:

1.) The main vocalist isn't at the centre of the performance Shinhwa’s Shin Hyesung once lamented that it was “unfortunate to not be able to stand in the center despite being the main vocalist of the group.Similarly,it is often the case that GaYoon is shifted to the side or behind Hyuna,who is often in the middle.

Although this argument may appear silly and rather immature,it is rather valid and not on baseless claims. Possessing
the title of ‘main vocal’ is nice but as performers , being in the center
is sometimes more advantageous as it really gives you more exposure than
the rest.

2.) Talent not appreciated
Currently many critics have stereotyped groups saying that they aren't focusing on the vocal talent and rather depend on visuals to establish themselves. Ironically,even if that were to be true,it would mean that the main vocalist would have to be REALLY good seeing that the other members aren't so vocal. However, being in an idol group simply just means that your talent is always written off.

3.) Immense pressure on them to support the whole group
No matter how undervalued the main vocalist is,it is often their vocals that give the group their overall grade as their voices stand out the most. As such they are often subject to the heaviest criticism. Sadly to say, the judging of members in a group isn't always fair. A good analogy would be how while everyone remembers the 1 mistake made in a song,no one remembers the silly mistakes made in a reality show. Its could simply be the magnitude and significance of the mistake. Fortunately, GaYoon hasn't really experienced such a case since the burden,or rather the effort,comes from them all.

4.) Their existence isn't always clear
There’s the old saying that a bear will do the tricks while its owner reaps the cash.
It can't be more true than in today's context.Often main vocalists are in situations where they are forced to perform a couple of high notes live and then spend the rest of the performance in the shadows. Similarly in 4Minute,it is often JiYoon and Hyuna doing the catchy dance moves while GaYoon gives the song
its lyrics live. Also while other members are praised for their beautiful looks and witty variety skills,the main vocals are often forgotten. It's already bad being labeled 'ordinary idols' but watching as your other members receive more praise and attention than you (especially if you're the main voice of the group),it will certainly make you feel so unimportant and lousy.

Hopefully a time will come when fans start to appreciate EVERYONE in the group and not just their bias or favorite member or simply based on looks. A group can't exist without their main vocals and its also time the fans start showing they share the same sentiments.
