Tuesday, March 22, 2011


by Denise Kyuhyun-ie on Monday, March 21, 2011 at 11:09pm

1. All SNSD member’s birth year = SNSD’s debut date
All SNSD member’s birth year = SNSD’s debut date

We have 6 girls who born in 1989 (Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, & Yuri)
and we also have the other 2 who born in 1990 (Sooyoung & Yoona)
and the last one, maknae, who born in 1991 (Seohyun)

So if we sum all of member’s birth year, like this.. 89 + 89 + 89 + 89 + 89 + 89 +90 + 90 + 91 = 805.

You’ll got 805. And if you’re a SONEs, you must be know what 805 means. Yess, 805 means August 5th. That’s their debut date. They debuted on Inkigayo at August 5th which is can be shortened as 8.05 / 805. Coincident ? No. I think this is fate. :)

2. The number of stroke is represent The Power of 9
And recently, I also find another interesting thing about SNSD.
Do you know what’s the number for SNSD’ UFO ? I will tell you, SNSD’ UFO number is 70003546.

I don’t know what’s 7000 means. I think it’s generic number.
But, if we see carefully there something (meaning) on the last 4 number.

After I see it for a lot of time, I realized that 3546 is reflect the number of strokes when you write word So Nyeo Shi Dae (소녀시대). *Strokes is the number of line/scratch you do to make a character or syllable. The number of strokes of the Girls group name (소녀시대) :

소 = 4 strokes
녀 = 5 strokes
시 = 3 strokes
대 = 6 strokes
——————————— +
소녀시대 = 18 strokes.

Did you realize something ? If we try to sum up each number.
1 + 8, we will got 9. And this is showing the number of member in SNSD.

Again the Power of 9 is showing up! Coincident ? I think when SM Entertainment pick this name for our 9 angels. I’m pretty sure all of them didn’t know about this at all. This is a fate ? I think yess. Their number of members is reflected on their name. Their debut date is reflected on their birth year. :)

3. Nine number 9 in “Gee” sentence
This is the last one, for some reason.. I randomly make a statement regarding SNSD success with Gee in 2009.
So, I make a fun like this, I make this statement..

“After 9 months and 9 weeks on HIATUS„ 9irls 9eneration finally comeback. And all 9members got 9 thropies because won the first place for 9 consecutive weeks in 2009 with 9ee.”

I make it fun by changing “g” letter to number “9”. And now, I will ask you. How many 9 do you think I uses to make this complete statement ? If you count carefully, you’ll found out we used 9 for 9 times!

9 months. 9 weeks. 9irls. 9eneration. 9 members. 9 thropies. 9 consecutive. 2009. 9ee.
*I don’t know how to explain this. But, I found this is really interesting because we got all 9 when we referring SNSD massive success with Gee on 2009. No words to describe this awesomeness !!!

4. All SNSD member’s birth month = The number of SNSD’s member 
Ahhh~ I found another one! Have you guys ever realize this ?
Someone ask me, what’s SNSD’ member’s birth month means.

At first, I can’t answer it. But, suddenly I randomly trying to count / sum the number unti I found this amazing result. This is almost, or even similar like when we count all SNSD’ member’s birth year. Take a look!

Birth Month:

Taeyeon - March ——————- 3
Jessica - April ———————— 4
Sunny - May ————————— 5
Tiffany - August ——————- 8
Hyoyeon - September ———- 9
Yuri - December ——————- 12
Sooyoung - February ———— 2
Yoona - May ————————— 5
Seohyun - June ———————- 6
___________________________ +
Total number ————————- 54

They got 54~! If we sum each number.. 5 + 4.. WE GOT 9!

5. Gee’s wins date is represent the Power of 9
Do you remember this guys ? During Gee promotions.. these are the dates when the girls were #1 on Music Bank~ The date started from month, day, and year. After that, you just need to sum up each number. See below~!

01/16/2009 = (1+1+6+2+9) = 19
01/23/2009 = (1+2+3+2+9) = 17
01/30/2009 = (1+3+2+9) = 15
02/06/2009 = (2+6+2+9) = 19
02/13/2009 = (2+1+3+2+9) = 17
02/20/2009 = (2+2+2+9) = 15
02/27/2009 = (2+2+7+2+9) = 22
03/06/2009 = (3+6+2+9) = 20
03/13/2009 = (3+1+3+2+9) = 18

19+17+15+19+17+15+22+20+18 = 162

And if we sum each number like 1+6+2.. We will got 9!!

And woow~! This is not the first time we got this amazing coincidance. This is really really awesome! This is more than just a coincidance, this is fate! How come, everytthing come out from them always referring something meaningful ?! This is trully DAEBAK!

6. SNSD 1st Showcase in Japan is represent The Power of 9 SNSD debuted in japan (1st showcase in japan) date was August 25th 2010.
Or you can write it as 08.25.2010~

and If you try to sum each number, you’ll get..

2+5+0+8+2+0+1+0=18 —> 1+8=9
7. October 26th is The Power of 9 Day
Just not a long ago, we got information that SNSD’s Japanese Gee is #1 on today ORICON charts. Not only that, we also got awesome news that Japanese Genie is back to the TOP 10. By placed on #10. SNSD’s DVD Tourai (Beginning of Girls’ Genereration) also #1 on today ORICON’ Music DVD chart.

While in Korea, SNSD also doing all-kill in every single music charts with their newest single, Hoot. Hoot #1 on 7 differents music charts. Melon, Soribada, Dosirak, Bugs!, Daum, Naver, and Cyworld BGM.

So that’s means, today, they’re doing all-kill and really really pawns the charts both in Japan and Korea.

Not only that, adding up all of their #1 position today, 7 from Korea and 2 from Japan, we will got also number NINE~!

Today sales for their #1 on Oricon are 3456 : 3+4+5+6=18 —> 1+8=9. NINE~!

7 chart in korea, 2 chart in Japan. 7+2=9. It happened on October 26th. 2+6+1+0=9. And sales 3456. 3+4+5+6=18 —> 1+8=9. Our girls really have a magic within them~ ^^