Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[Stand (Official)] An admin's opinion (Part 2)

An admin's opinion (Part 2: Sones and Antis- the neverending bloodshed without the blood.. what.)

Stand [official]

Brought to you by: KPopIndifference


by Stand [official] on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 11:39am
Continuation of An admin's opinion. As Part 1 before, this essay, article, whatever you call it will come in sub-parts. First off:


Sone, pronounced SO-ONE meaning wish in Korean. Although I don't really like the name, I like the meaning in Korean. I remembered I used to pronounce it as 'Son' before. Don't kill me :B Lame joke anyways.

I first know Sones as delusional, mean people because I read in the STAND forum that one Sone raped some ELFs and instant hatred flared up.

I think this is why I can never be an SNSD fan. I hated Sones from the very beginning (I was in the ELF fandom) and SNSD after that. I ridiculed their songs and the members so badly that I will feel guilty and regretted my days as an anti if I do become a Sone.

But the Sones I first met are really dimwitted. They cannot protest nicely and from my experience, they say shit about our family and said that we'll rot in hell. Tips to Sones, if you want to change an anti's point of view, either you talk to them calmly without coarse language or just ignore them when they refused to give up all the hate.

Those insults made us hate them and we threw our tantrum on SNSD (the victims, yes).

From Part 1, I mentioned I was friends with Sones. That was when I started as a civilised anti. When Sones and antis fought (over the Jessica picture: typical, anti said she's buttugly and Sone said you're ugly too) I was the one to stop them. I was kind of a peacemaker (as told by my Sone friend)

It was fun actually being in arguments with Sones. It's like two enemies fighting each other, although they hated each other, they felt a rush of excitement when they're fighting, as if they know they're winning. Yep that's the feeling. I miss it. To tell you the truth, it improves your English and debate skills lol. Some of them could pass off as a lawyer!

You know what happens when one of the enemies no longer want to fight with you and you're okay with it coz you're tired too. But the next day, you want to fight off your enemy and you just remembered that you're both on good terms.

What I don't get about Sones is this: some of them went to Anti Yoona and said I love all members except yoona she's a slut etc etc. I thought Sones are like OT9 and The Power of Nine shiz. Or they are just antis in disguise!

I wonder if the stories I heard about Sones back then was true.. you know the rape thingy. But I met nice Sones and although I lost contact with them, I will remember them as great friends. Good thing of having a Sone as a friend is you realise their opinions are legit too. Of course I still dislike Sones (some) coz they anti Kara and I was like damn aren't they friends? I already gave blessings to Soka although I don't like Soka together.

My hate and like on Sones is 50/50. I like nice Sones (let's be friends... kkkkk) and I hate annoying Sones who have bad wit saying I have to fuck my mom >_>


I think everyone knows we are on bad terms with extreme anti page and currently 17k fan page Anti SNSD (STAND).

We debated on the name "STANDers" "Civil Antis" and oh a bit extra "SONES"

Anti SNSD (STAND)'s bullshitteu opinion on the names.

-if you hate all of them nine sluts you are a stander yay welcome to the club and let's force our oppar to marry us!
-yes we are civil.... what how dare she touch my husband!!!!!11!! she should die in hell!
-what? you like Seowho? GTFO SONE.

^Lol I think I was a bit mean. You know they called Sones delusional? I think they're more delusional. So basically, you're a STANDer if you hate I mean hate like extreme let's chop them into pieces kind of hate, there's no such word as civil in their dictionary and lastly even if you only like just ONE member or you think Sooyoung is cool, they will classify you (no mercy, immediate effing banned) as a Sone.


So our more reformed opinion on the names.
-so STANDers are people who dislike/hate SNSD.
-but they are divided into two: Civil and Extreme
-Civil: more nice, approachable, decent antis (like us lol), dislikes SNSD but likes a few members and probably their music but still dislike them though.
-Extreme: firecrakers. YOU COULD NEVER CHANGE THEM. Completely brainwashed and majority are probably stans (stalker fans). Hates SNSD and dreams to kill them one day. Hates all members. All of their songs. And yes even their legs. (IMO I'm not a legs person so I think that's why I don't like them lol, I like my girlgroup with meat)
-Sones: duh, they love SNSD, everything, their music, looks, personality etc.

So there it is. I thought a war would never ever happen between an anti with the same traits. But oops, it did happen lol. STAND vs STAND.

There's a million of reasons why people anti a certain group.
-personal reasons
-annoyed, irritated

For STAND and all antis of other groups, it's definitely 99.9% jealousy as much they deny it, it just shows. For us well for me, personal reasons.

But being an extreme anti is actually harder than you think. You hate this group, they're so annoying clinging onto your future husband. But people still love them. How? HOW??

You see, to see if one group has the potential to be your favourite, you look at the fans first. Yes look in the inside to see whether it's beautiful or ugly. So it's like this: one anti tried a smart yet malicious technique to make people hate SNSD. There's Youtube and MVs where fans and new fans watch and comment. They created many Youtube account by making usernames relating to SNSD like soshi9foreverlove and brought up this:


Blackjacks are like another generation of ELFs so they tend to get protective and started insulting back. Finally a fanwar starts and people started to see Sones as terrible people. But that doesn't stop there, they commented on other groups' MVs and praised SNSD, insulted that group.

That is why being an extreme anti is harder. Imagine creating all those Youtube accounts, all those random emails. Seriously they should use that time to fangirl or learn to cook. CIVILITY FTW.

Magicgirl ^^


Part 3 coming up!
The Admins.
My Full Opinion on SNSD.