Saturday, April 28, 2012

Translation for AtStar1 interview with Jessica(SNSD)

by [Yul Jjang] SNSD Unlimited (Official) on Saturday, April 21, 2012 at 6:50am ·

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Q: How is your life going after the drama ended?
A: It has been holiday for me after the drama. I don't have any fixed job for any musical or variety show, so I'm enjoying my long-waited holidays. I meet up with friends often. Some time ago I went to San Francisco where my family is.

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[Source:ComingStep. Credit:粉红灯笼高高挂吧]
[Translation: 越来越짱이다的塞冷斯(Mandarin) Yuristic (English)]
Q: How will you feel if you are having a photoshoot on a rainy street alone?
Sica: I ever experienced having a photoshoot on a rainy day, so it's okay. It won't be too difficult. But it'sa pity to have a photoshoot alone without the members who I can play with.

Q: Do you originally like rain?
Sica: Originally, I don't really like the rain. But it's strange, recently I like the rain a lot. During rainy days, I will listen to related music, and enjoy the ambiance.

Q: What thoughts do you have after the initial challenge on acting through "Wild Romance"?
Sica: It's fascinating! I will want to try it again if I have the chance. Filming itself is not that tough, it's only when the schedule is packed or during oversea performances that makes coordination become difficult. Plus, it's a short notice to take up the drama role, time for preparation is not enough. I have the desire(to do a lot better), but I can't fully show it which makes it regretful. although it's quite exhausting, but I'm delighted to work. The way to develop the emotions is interesting. A character's emotions is the hardest part, but I personally like new challenges. I will like to try a cheerful character the next time.

Q:And the difficult Korean language must has been a barrier for you? How did you process the script?
Sica: Daily conservation is not difficult. But there are some difficult words in the script...hai..some jargon and old sayings are hard to understand. But I get to know and understand Korea better through drama-filming, that's great!

Q: Jessica, what do you think is the difference between a singer and an actress?
Sica: Other artistes will feel happy standing on the stage, but I feel differently. I mind the mood of the sound that comes out from the earpiece. During LIVE, when my vocal comes out, it's a wonderful feeling. This feeling makes me happy.

Q: Other SNSD members are having their individual activities?
Sica: They are doing reliefs(aid). Prideful! Frankly speaking, since the trainee days, I had been thinking of this question. Whether I should pick singing, acting or dancing. Because I was distressed, I was at a low point. Dancing is Hyoyeon, singing is Taeyeon, as for acting is Yoona...What specialty should I work on is really a tough decision. But now it's different. Everything feels good. I want to try everything to get all kinds of exposure and experience. As a result, won't it naturally create a style that belongs to Jessica?

Q: The always charming Jessica is what kind of person in reality?
Sica: At home, I definitely won't leave my bed. I will read a book, play my computer, listen to music, and even eat on bed. I can do almost everything on bed. I don't really like outdoor. If I have to go out, I will wear something casual.

Q: Jessica has a high fashion sense.
Sica: Frankly speaking, a lot of accessories is inconvenient. I like fashion style that is casual. And so, I normally see the basic styles on the Internet. For example, knit leggings, big products are mostly bought on my own. I specially like shoes and bags. But shoes that are size 225 is very difficult to find.

Q: You're quite thin. You have your own slimming secrets?
Sica: After filming of "Wild Romance", I always go strolling, eat everywhere, and put on weight. I was only 40~41kg during drama-filming. During slimming, I don't do exercises that train your muscles a lot. Of course, I will cut down my food intake, but tend to fail.

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Q: Since debut, your nickname has been 'Ice Princess'. Was that cold image a burden to you?
Jessica: I personally like the nickname 'Ice Princess'. However, my image and personality are so different that people who know me well call me "foolish Jessica". I don't dislike my cold image. I think it's my own positive quality that separates me from others.

Q: It has already been 5 years since your debut. What is something that has changed?
Jessica: It's true that during my rookie days I was greedy for rookie awards and 1st place awards. I wanted to win an award no matter what. But now, I think my views have widened. Rather than awards, I am now mostly concerned about delivering a satisfying performance by me, and our SNSD. I honestly don't worry about awards anymore. I can now laugh off negative articles about me. I think it's something I've learned to do over time.