Friday, December 24, 2010

Shoujo Jidai heated up Christmas Eve with ‘Genie’ and ‘Gee’

Christmas gift arrived early for those lucky ones who attended Japan’s Asahi TV’s ‘Music Station Super Live’earlier today as the 9 angels graced the stage with their forever-awesome performances of ‘Genie‘ and ‘Gee’.

Like many of you might have noticed, our girls have shown great improvement in the level of their Japanese language. Besides Sooyoung, Tiffany and Seohyun spoke really fluently on ‘Music Station’ today. Looks like Tiffany has been utilizing her 1-month break to the fullest. Being able to speak so fluently within a month is not an easy task and it only proves that our girls are indeed very linguistic. During the interview, the MC was also amazed with the fact that their Japanese have improved.
Here’s the translation for the interview involving the MCs, Sooyoung and Yuri:
Male MC: Your Japanese has gotten much better.
Sooyoung: We study very hard.
Female MC: That’s great.
Male Mc: What’s your goal for next year?
Yuri: Next year I want to become better in Japanese. We want to challenge Japanese people ( she made a cute mistake in her Japanese.)
Sooyoung: We want to try to do a national tour in Japan.
For those who missed today’s performances and interview, here you go:
Credits:JapanTV01@YouTube/Bekkychan@Twitter (translation of interview)